Early Birds
8:00 - 9:00 am
Early Birds is our before school program open to all ages every morning from 8:00 - 9:00 am. You may register for permanent spots, or you may drop in at your convenience.*
Ages: Babies through 5K Location: Rec Room
1 day: $30 per month 1st child - $15 per month sibling
2 days: $50 per month 1st child - $25 per month sibling
3 days: $70 per month 1st child - $35 per month sibling
4 days: $85 per month 1st child - $40 per month sibling
5 days: $95 per month 1st child - $48 per month sibling
Drop-in*: $9 per day 1st child - $5 per day sibling
Prepaid 5 Drop-in visits: $40 - $20 sibling
Early Bird tuition fees apply to all children attending Early Birds regardless of arrival time. Early Bird tuition is due on the 1st of each month and late if received after the 10th of the month. A $25 late payment penalty will apply if received after the 10th.
*Drop-ins will be invoiced through Brightwheel after they attend. You do not need to call before you drop-in.